What a great month this has been so far!!!
Youth is going great on Wednesday nights. We are running about 30 students consistently (which has really been growing). Numbers don't mean everything but we know that anything healthy is going to grow. I think of numbers not as a statistic but as an individual soul that is being opened up to the things of God, so when you look at it that way numbers really do matter to God. Every number represents a life being reached out to! Also it shows that our core students are excited and proud to bring their friends to a place where they are confident they will have fun and more importantly come to know Christ!!! When you gain the trust of the people you gain their confidence to connect to and get involved. God does not want us to sit on the sidelines watching He wants us in the game playing and working our hearts out for Him!!! It's about serving others and reaching out to those around us everyday!!! That was the mission of Jesus to reach out to others!!! He was not here for Himself He was here for others!!! He humbled Himself and made no reputation over people but for them. He was the ultimate servant! We want to serve others and reach them to show the love and power of Christ!!!
4Twelve has been going great as well. If you do not know yet Erin and I help out with my dad's church the Salvation Army in Brown County of Thursday nights. We started a youth service called 4Twelve which is reaching about 30 students weekly. Some of our students from HHC have come over and hung out. It is great to see students get exposed to God in different places and with different people.
Last weekend we were super busy. Friday night all the youth groups in Brown County came together for a big tail gate party before the football game. Our band played out there and we cooked hot dogs. It was a great time of getting into the community and reaching out! Then Saturday night the Salvation Army had a community block party in front of the church downtown. There were around 450 people that came through. We had blow up games for kids, our band played, free hot dogs & lemonade, prizes for kids, face painting & more!!!
Needless to say Erin and I are crazy busy but for the Kingdom of God for sure!!! My family is awesome and I cherish every moment we get together to hang out and be with each other. I value our time together very much. On a side note Zion asked to pray for our house to sell in Oklahoma and Erin said she prayed and not only asked God to sell our house but for another family to buy it so they could have a house to live in like us. How cool is that? She is learning about others and to always think of them!!! God ROCKS!!!