What a week! We have been super busy here at Journey! Last night we had the Diamond Daze festival and it went GREAT! There were tons of people there and everything flowed so smooth. It is so awesome to take Christ out to the community. We prayed the rain would hold off and it did! Most of the day it rained but God gave us a window of dryness. As SOON as Pastor Jeff ended the service rain started coming , but thankfully we got everything tore down before the downpour came. What a great God we serve! Well, we are going to make a cool highlight video for this Sunday that captures last nights energy. Some people we not able to make it there, so this will make them feel apart and show what a great church we have here @ Journey. God is so awesome and everything is great here!

I took Erin & Zion to the school today about 6:30am for their trip with the school. Erin is chaperoning a band trip to St. Louis until Sunday. My mother in law is picking Zion up in St. Louis since it is about half way to Indiana. Zion will stay there until late next week when my father in law will bring her back either half way or they may come stay with us for a few days. Anyway, I am single for the next few days and then it will just be Erin and I for the next few days after that. I am going to work non-stop on the house I need to prim ALL the rooms, clean, patch holes, paint trim, paint doors, hook up washer & dryer, hang our new T.V, set up the surround sound through the walls, and more. I have A LOT of work to do these next few days so I am going to get working here at the church and get everything done I need to do!
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