What a great week it has been! We had a great service Wednesday night with the middle school. God was really working on their hearts. We challenged them to step over their fears and become like Jonah and do what God is calling them to do! You could really tell during prayer at the end of the service that the students were getting it! Then some friends came in from Indiana to stay the weekend with us. Josh & Emily Smith who I had the privilege of marrying 2-3 years ago came in to visit us! We had a great time hanging out and showing off our awesome church here @ Journey! They were able to experience a Sunday morning service and the high school service Sunday night! It is so great to have friends come here to visit us cause we love to show off our church and all that God is doing here, we are so proud of it all!
Well, we have a lot coming up with the Super Bowl party/Flag Football Day February 3rd! We are hosting a huge flag football tournament down at the football stadium @ 1pm Super Bowl Sunday.

We are having officials, flags, whistles, chain teams, etc... It's the real deal. Students will form teams of 8 with at least 2 girls per team. It is going to be off the hook! Then we have our huge Encounter weekend coming up in February! Where we are going to Dwight Mission for a weekend retreat to get away and encounter God's awesome presence! We have much going on and God is doing great things!!!
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