Well, tonight we are taking our adult leadership team on a weekend retreat. We rented an awesome cabin at lake TenKiller and it is going to be a bast. We are going to have worship, play games, talk about 2008 & ministry, eat, and simply hang out! We got a great deal on this sweet cabin that overlooks the lake. I love leadership and investing into those that are investing back into a generation behind them. The level of your leadership will determine the level of your ministry and we want to raise the bar as leaders, because in turn the ministry will rise inevitably. We looking forward to a great weekend.
I am also putting together the Sin City Outreach packets for our students. We are taking a team of high schoolers to Vegas this August to do a huge outreach in the inner city.

This is an amazing opportunity to step out and reach the lost in a VERY lost place. We will be meeting as a team throughout the year and gearing up for this mission trip heavily. There will be requirements for students on the team that they will have to meet in order to go such as: Spiritual requirements, financial, and commitment to JSM! God is going to assemble a strong team to go and make a great impact in this place! We will probably need to rasie around $600 - $800 dollars a person in order to provide plane tickets, lodging, meals, transportation, etc... Which I believe we will be able to do! Hopefully people will invest into these students as they step out and take the gospel out into the world!!! It is going to be a great adventure.
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