What a great week we are having here! Last nights middle school service was great! We are really challenging the students to step up and become passionate about following God. We prayed with about 11 students at the end of the service who came forward to move from just living a religious going through the motions type life to a passionate relationship type life with Christ! God is really raising up some leaders with our middle school. Then Sunday night we had some great ministry time with about 18 students who responded to the message and just got filled up with Jesus!!! We have a lot going on right now with our BIG Flag Football day Sunday @ 1pm at the football stadium. Different youth groups from around the community are coming out to play and hang so it is going to be awesome. We are having a HUGE tournament with real officials, chain gangs, flags, all that stuff! Then we are having the Super Bowl party here in the zone @ 5:30 until the end of the game!
We have been collecting food for the Give-A-Way and it is going amazing! We have tons of stuff already and still another week or so of collecting things. Our students have responded to the call to bless others in our community and it is great to see. We are taking a team out February 9th to deliver the items to a family in need and I can't wait to show this family God's love through our students here @ Journey!!!
Just a side note for Christmas I got some Indiana Jones posters to finish my collection. Here is a picture of them hanging up in my office for inspiration throughout the week to live an adventure type life!
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