Saturday, April 14, 2007

Lots of Awesome Stuff!

Wednesday night was great! We can really see the students going deeper into worship and that's awesome. Last night we had a staff dinner get together thing @ Pastor Tony's and it was a lot of fun. We grilled hamburgers and Tony's wife Erin made banana pudding, whew it was good!

The Diamond Daze festival is coming up here in a few weeks and we are excited! Journey is doing a whole service Wednesday night at the festival. We have an hour to an hour and a half to do whatever we want. It is going to be great! We will have a booth with info for the church, music, performances, Pastor Jeff speaking and other cool stuff! Then that Saturday our students get the opportunity to serve the community with the BBQ night! They have all kinds of people around the country come in and cook their BBQ, and our students are going to serve the people and help with the whole night!

Well, tomorrow afternoon we have our 1st team meeting for anyone wanting to be involved on the worship team for JSM. I hope we have a good turn out of students that desire to worship God with their musical talents. We are going to build the best worship team EVER!!! Above all though is the matter of the heart, and we are going to talk about that, since worship is more than just playing music for people. Worship is alive and passionate, it is a way in which we express our thankfulness and honor to God! We are going to build a team that not only is good dynamically but that most importantly falls in love with Jesus more & more! We were created to worship!!!

Tomorrow we also have our student leadership team meeting. Our team is doing great jumping in and helping out on Wednesdays. They are entering into worship, moving chairs, praying before the service together and just being awesome leaders. Without student leaders youth ministry does not have the impact it can. Students are more impacted by peers than by youth pastors & adults. It's not that they aren't impacted by us by any means it's just that when they see people their age stepping up for God it gives them permission to step up as well. Just as when students don't step up for God it gives other students permission to not become all they can. We are building a team that gives permission, challenge, and examples of what it means to step up to the plate for Christ!

1 comment:

Pastor Jeff said...

Diamond days is going to be incredible. God has given us a wonderful opportunity to be a blessing to the community.