Monday, March 19, 2007


Yesterday after church my family and I ate some lunch, then went to the office and put my furniture together. I have 2 bookshelves left to piece together, then touch up some paint and I will be set. Church was great yesterday, Pastor Jeff had yet another awesome message, and God was doing something in the hearts of the people. This series on worship is such an important part of the church. Before anything in life we were created to be worshipers! We were not created to produce and work, we were created to simply be in a passionate relationship with God! God is not looking for worship He is looking for worshipers. John 4:23 says, the time is coming when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth, for they are the kind of WORSHIPERS the Father seeks. God is seeking for true worshipers not just worship. Worship is something we do, being a worshiper is something we are...a matter of the heart. This weekend Dennis Jernigan is coming to Journey and we are doing a night of worship to end the series. Not many people know Dennis but he is a huge name in the worship world. He wrote the famous worship song, "You are my all in all" and many others people would recognize. It's funny because when I first got saved Dennis Jernigan was the first worship CD I listened to, and it started my journey as a worship leader. Now in this small world I live a few hours away from his hometown here in Oklahoma and he is coming to our church this Sunday, cool huh! Anyway, today is the last day my sister and her family are in town with us and we are going to hang out so I gotta get ready, adios!

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